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I Finally Get Inked

Approximately a year ago, I went ahead and did something I had wanted to do for a long time, I got myself a tattoo

A couple of things below about my tattoo that I tell people who ask. To note, I prepared it in FAQ format since – for some reason – folks frequently ask the same exact questions. We really are more alike than we are different.

Question: What does it say?

Answer: It says “give” and “thanks.” They’re on my left and right wrists respectively. My best friend wrote it for me – I really like her handwriting. She and I are not allowed to break up as best friends – apparently white ink tattoos are impossible to laser off.

Question: Why is your tattoo in white ink?

Answer: Inasmuch as a tattoo is frequently associated with tendencies to rebel, I’m actually not that rebellious. I still have to do a job – a job I love – so I still have to appear respectable, hence, not too obvious tattoos.

Question: Why does it say what it says?

Answer: I believe that gratitude is the secret to success. That and a walk-in closet -- which I already have. The more that I have given thanks for things in my life, the more spiritual resiliency I seem to have to face every day with a positive attitude. Bring it, universe. :)

Question: Did it hurt?

Answer: Of course it did (in my head I interject “moron” after this sentence). It’s a friggin needle going in and out of your skin. It bled too. And scabbed. And peeled. And oozed fluids.

Question: Why did you do it?

Answer: Best question ever. Best because I answer it differently each time. It may mean because I was motivated by many things or it may mean that I wasn’t sure of my reasons for getting it. Whatever the answer I give, my favourite question is the next one

Question: Are you happy with your tattoo?

Answer: Damn right I am. Better yet, I’m thankful for it.

I want to get new ones soon. The new ones – when I finally get them – will require their own post and set of Q&As then.

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